PLATINUM 95 Furnace

Communicating technology in a fully modulating furnace for the ultimate comfort and greater efficiency. The advanced AccuLink™ II allows the Platinum 95 to constantly calibrate itself for optimal performance year after year. The Platinum 95 is rated with up to 97.3% efficiency (AFUE) and select furnace models are Energy Star qualified. A variable-speed blower motor adjusts speed to provide a consistent flow of warm, comfortable air with quiet operation.

Communicating Technology Up to 97.3 AFUE

  • 60–120 mbth input
  • AccuLink™ II capability
  • Fully modulating gas valve
  • Three-wire connections
  • Variable-speed communicating ECM blower motor
  • Continuous Comfort-R™ mode
  • Single or two-pipe vent options
  • Digital user interface for easy setup and diagnostics
  • Silicon nitride igniter
  • Variable-speed draft inducer
  • Certified to 2% air leakage
  • ENERGY STAR® qualified (Select models)