Find Home Comfort With Residential Heating And Cooling
Creating the right residential heating and cooling systems for you and your family is the key to long-lasting enjoyment and comfort.
Find Your Comfort Level
Your local American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Dealer will help find the right residential heating and cooling systems for you by conducting a thorough home comfort analysis. This preliminary and integral step sets the stage for your residential heating and cooling system. Your dealer will perform a load calculation to determine the capacity and capabilities of your current system and what needs to be done to ensure it is working optimally for your home. If a new system is needed, the dealer will use this information to find the optimal solution for your home.
Affordable Matchmaking
Matching the right system for you and your home affords you the greatest efficiency, reliability and comfort. Based on your home comfort analysis, your local Customer Care Dealer can tell you which application is best for your needs and most affordable for your budget.
Find the Perfect Balance
If your home is too dry in the winter or too humid in the summer, turn to American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning’s line of humidifiers, variable-speed furnaces and Comfort-R technology for the perfect balance.
Be the Master of Your Domain
You can’t control the weather, but you can control your personal comfort. From programmable thermostats to our AccuLink™ Communicating System, our products work smarter to give you complete control over the climate in your home, no matter what’s going on outside. You can also connect your thermostat to the American Standard Home™ automation solution, giving you greater control of your home’s comfort even when you’re on the go.